Don’t want an up to 12-storey commercial building in Te Ngākau/Civic Square? It’s not too late to support our request to the WCC here

The future of Te Ngākau Civic Square is being discussed.

It includes a plan to replace the MOB and CAB buildings in the Square with an up-to 12 storey commercial building. ICW is requesting the Council to not build, but instead to keep the area where those buildings were as an open, publicly-owned space.

The consultation phase has closed BUT it did not invite people to comment about whether or not to build on the MOB and CAB site. What happens next is actually in the hands of Wellington City Councillors only - so it is not too late to let Councillors know what you think about this issue.

ICW has submitted this request to Council:

  • Instead of putting a towering commercial building in the CAB/MOB location, please return that land to open space so that Te Ngākau/Civic Square can become an enhanced, publicly-owned amenity that supports the civic needs and the green space needs of the residents of our city.

Read our full request here.
If you support our request, please click this link and complete the form so that you can let the Council know.


WCC is inviting your ideas and feedback on Waterfront safety improvements - how to have your say


Important news for owners of an earthquake-prone buildings!