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Here's a list of city projects wanting your feedback


Brooklyn connections

This project includes lots of improvements for pedestrians, some changes to improve bus journey times, new shelters at two stops, and some other changes to make things safer for everyone.  It will see another section of the city’s agreed bike network improved and extended – providing a safer connection through to Brooklyn shops.  

Drop-in sessions:

Deadline: 5pm. Sunday 23 July 2023

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Te Awe Māpara - the draft Community Facilities Plan

Community facilities are places where people can play, connect, exercise, create, be inspired, develop a sense of belonging, and improve health and wellbeing. WCC has developed Te Awe Māpara - the draft Community Facilities Plan to guide the Council’s provision and decision-making about community facilities for the next 30 years.

Deadline: 5pm. Monday 7 August 2023

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PAUSED: Draft Speed Management Plan

Whakaputahia ō whakaaro mō te Mahere Whakahaere Tere - Have your say on the Speed Management Plan

We're asking for your feedback on our Draft Speed Management Plan that proposes to change the speed limit around the city.

Closes: PAUSED
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Check out WCC’s ‘KŌRERO MAI / LET’S TALK’ page for all engagement information
