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Do you travel from Thorndon or Kilbirnie into the city? Have your say

From WCC News

As part of Paneke Pōneke, Wellington’s 10-year citywide bike network plan, routes in Thorndon and more connections around Kilbirnie and to Lyall Bay, were approved in March 2021 to give people better low carbon transport options.

  •  Wellington City Council is now inviting the public to make submissions on the proposed designs for these routes, with consultation open until Monday 27 March.

 The proposed new connections in Thorndon and Kilbirnie, including safer speeds on several streets and a lot more raised crossings for pedestrians, will make it easier for people to get around in low-carbon ways and improve how easy it is to walk locally in these areas.

 In Thorndon, improvements will include a safer bike connection to workplaces, the parliamentary precinct, schools, and Victoria University campuses from the central city and train station. As well as connecting to destinations along the way, these improvements are the start of a route that will extend up to Wadestown.

See the routes and read the full story here