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What's the Pōneke Promise interactive map saying is happening in the Te Aro Park area ?

Text from the Pōneke Promise interactive map


We are doing a design audit of the Pōneke Promise area to help identify things we need to be aware of when we design spaces to make them safer. 

We have hosted the Wellington Alliance Against Sexual Violence (WAASV) and accessibility advisors on a walkabout around Dixon St to Courtenay Place to gather feedback first hand from the community of areas that feel unsafe – from people with lived experience of living, working and recreating in the city.

 WAASV are an alliance of organisations who have lead the call for efforts to curb sexual violence in the city – and represent a large network of young people and students, young women, gender minorities and their allies.

 A follow up night-time walkabout is being planned with WAASV. 


Tactical flood lighting has been installed down Opera House Lane, making the laneway much brighter at night-time. 

This image (SEE IMAGE ON THE INTERACTIVE MAP) comes from a CCTV camera installed in the laneway. Our network of CCTV cameras are monitored by highly skilled operators and help reduce crime and anti-social behaviour in the city. 

To view a map of Pōneke's CCTV cameras locations and the appropriate area of coverage they provide, click here.  

Find out more on how we are teaming up with the community to create a roadmap that aims to prevent sexual harm in our city here. 


The toilet design creates an area that is concealed and secluded, making it a space that is a hotspot for crime and anti-social behaviour. ​​

We are on track for removing the toilets at Te Aro Park. A new public toilet facility will be built across the road in Inglewood Place. This new location has been chosen due to its high foot traffic and visibility to CCTV, and the new facility will be designed in accordance with safety principles.   

The new toilets will be installed following the completion of the Wellington Water pump station renewal in 2023. Urban design improvements will be made to Inglewood Place in conjunction with the new toilet installation, including potentially closing the road intersection where Inglewood Place meets Dixon Street.  

The much-loved Greek Food Truck will be relocating to Oriental Bay, opposite 214 Oriental Parade on the seaside. Keep an eye on their Facebook page or website for updates on location.  

We are exploring options for temporary toilets nearby on Victoria Street to bridge the gap between now and when the new toilets are opened on Inglewood Place. This would enable us to remove the Te Aro Park toilets sooner and proceed with improving the space left behind. 

We have also opened up the area by removing the canopy connecting the two toilet blocks and the Spark phone booth.

This suite of changes was implemented as a response to the Te Aro Park – Assessing Harm report. This report examined safety in and around Te Aro Park. Other changes carried out as part of this report include tree trimming to improve CCTV camera sightlines, installation of an additional CCTV camera and increasing lighting levels.

Find more information on these changes here

Planning and consultation is underway to improve the amenity of the site left behind after the toilets are removed. These design changes will be determined through a co-design process with mana whenua. 


In June 2022, we will begin improving the safety of Dixon Street and Te Aro Park by improving pedestrian access, visibility into Te Aro Park and visibility between pedestrians and vehicles. Businesses will also be supported to utilise outdoor dining space. 

These are transitionary improvements, and will be replaced by Let's Get Wellington Moving improvements in the future. 

Improvements to Lukes Lane and Opera House Lane will be made in the third stage of design upgrades following Dixon Street and the western edge of Te Aro Park. 

Explore the Pōneke Promise Interactive Map here