ICW demystifier: How often is Courtenay Place cleaned?
From the Wellington City Council’s Cleansing & Growth team.
There are numerous cleaning programmes happening on Courtenay Place now.
Roads and footpaths are swept nightly
A wet clean done by a scrubbing machine is carried out every four weeks
A spot deep clean is currently being carried out.
Water blaster is used around assets, but the general use would blow out the locking sand between the pavement blocks.
Sumps are cleared on a three-monthly or six-monthly frequency depending on where flooding issues have occurred in the past.
Slot drains are cleared six-monthly
Pedestrian shelters, glass weekly, structure are cleaned six-monthly
Identified areas are wet-washed weekly - eg bird poo, human issues
Reactive fouling removal is within 2 hours
Gum removal is six monthly
In the daytime a Street Orderly removes any loose litter and cleans street furniture.
Cleaning is also done on a reactive basis where issues have been identified.
The team works closely with the Council’s Community Engagement team to clean up if a person has been removed from the street environment. There is a wraparound service in place to assist these persons find better options than being homeless.