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Remember, the reduced parking fees are still happening! Till the end of June

From WCC site

From 21 March 2022 to 30 June 2022, there will be several temporary changes made to Council’s on-street parking. These include changes to fees and time limits during weekdays and the weekend.

  • Weekdays: between the hours of 5pm to 8pm - you will be able to park for three hours without having to move your car and fees will be reduced to $1 between those times.

  • At all other times during the week the current hourly fees will remain between $3-5 per hour with a 2-hour parking limit.

  • Saturday and Sundays, between the hours of 8am and 8pm - you will be able to park for three hours and the hourly fee on all our metered on-street parks will be $1 per hour. Except for the Clifton Carpark, where the normal daily and hourly rates will apply.

More info here