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Getting ready for the local governments elections? Here's news about an inner-city candidate

From Scoop

Wellington city councillor Iona Pannett is to stand as an independent in October’s local elections. Cr Pannett has been a Green councillor in the Lambton Ward since she was first elected in 2007.

Her decision was reported this morning by the NZ Herald, which quotes her as saying:

“I will continue to support good Green change, change which I have committed my life to. My first priority is my city and my constituents. I campaigned on an agenda of affordable housing and heritage protection in 2019 and I have worked to those ends in the last two and a half years.

“I will never give up on working on those issues as well as stopping climate change and working towards zero waste and clean water. I also remain deeply committed to local democracy and everyone being able to have a say, not just a privileged few.”

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