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What's happening with the Golden Mile revitalisation?

Extract From Let’s Get Wellington Moving eNewsletter

Golden Mile revitalisation sees strong public engagement

Wellingtonians have shown their passion for the Capital and taken the opportunity to have their say on the design of the Golden Mile.  

Project Manager Veronica Byrne says the project will give a burst of vibrancy to the Golden Mile, ensuring Wellington is a great place to live, work and play.  

“We sent out over 10,000 letters and emails to building and business owners, tenants, residents and interest groups inviting comment. We also went door-to-door along the Golden Mile and its side streets, as well as advertised in newspapers and online.”

“We’re delighted with the response. Thank you to all those who took the time to provide feedback. The team received 420 phone calls, emails and submissions, made 17,500 visits, and noted more than 2,500 online comments using the tool, Social Pinpoint. The accessibility, business, retail and hospitality sectors all contributed feedback during regular meetings and submissions.”

LGWM is currently analysing feedback to inform the detailed design for the Golden Mile before it is finalised. We’ll provide a summary of feedback, which will be available on our website in early November.

The project’s next step is to consult on traffic resolutions, that will be publicly advertised in November, with information available on the WCC Let’s Talk website and at LGWM.nz

“These are changes that the public have told us that they want – a more compact, liveable city that’s safe and easy to get around,” says Veronica.

This will see most cars and some carparks removed from the Golden Mile to prioritise buses and people. Many side streets will also be closed off to create wider footpaths, cycleways and attractive public spaces.

“We know that change can cause uncertainty, and we will continue to work closely with the business sector and wider community as we head toward the first stage of construction, due to begin in the first quarter of 2023.

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