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Thinking ahead - what ways can you make your home prepared for Covid19?

From Covid19 website

Everyone, whether you are vaccinated or unvaccinated, should prepare for what you need to do if you get COVID-19. This checklist can help you make a plan.

2. Have what you need

Work out what you will need to help yourself and those around you.

  • Make a list of whānau information — include everyone's names, ages, NHI numbers, any medical conditions and medication they normally take or medical supplies each person will need. Include emergency contact information like your doctor, afterhours, and any support agencies.

  • Gather things you enjoy. What might help stop boredom if you are isolating at home?

  • Put together a wellness kit — face coverings, hand sanitiser, gloves, tissues, rubbish bags, cleaning products.

  • Make sure you have things to help you with COVID-19 symptoms — like pain relief such as ibuprofen, nasal spray, throat lozenges, cough medicine, ice blocks, vapour rubs.

Read all the information here