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What do you think about events happening on town belt land? Your feedback invited

 The Council is inviting your feedback.

From the Council:

WCC is inviting you to have your say on our proposed trading and event sites on Wellington Town Belt and reserves.

The Council has recently adopted the new Trading and Events in Public Places Policy, which will take effect from July next year.

The policy will be printed and made available on our website next year, but in the meantime you can read the final policy on our Let’s Talk Page: https://www.letstalk.wellington.govt.nz/trading-and-events-in-public-places-policy

Part of the policy consultation asked for feedback on proposed sites on reserves and Wellington Town Belt where some types of low-scale and low-impact trading and event activities could happen with Council officer approval. We heard a wide range of views; many were supportive while some submitters had concerns about the sites and activities proposed.

As a result of these concerns we are carrying out further consultation to provide clarity and more information around the sites and activities. We would like to hear your views and feedback on them. 

Our goal is to manage trading and event activities on Wellington Town Belt and reserves so that the cultural, natural, recreation, and community values are protected and enhanced. 

Your views are important to help us make sure activities increase use and enjoyment of our open spaces. 

You can find a copy of the consultation document online. Printed copies are available at your local library.